
Make sure CO2 accounting adds up


This was the hot topic at Mitie’s recent Carbon Disclosure Summit, 欢迎来自公共和私营部门组织的领导人来到我们位于碎片大厦的总部.


And with the following event summary and insights, you can make sure this is the case at your organisation.

The rate of change in today’s world will never be so slow again.

大卫·罗文, 穿着深色西装和衬衫, gesturing in front of a window in the Shard at a Mitie Carbon Disclosure event
大卫·罗文, 《澳博官方网站》英国总编辑, believes new carbon reporting legislation presents a huge opportunity

这就是科技作者, expert and founding 《澳博官方网站》英国总编辑, 大卫·罗文, explains why he believes new carbon reporting legislation presents a massive opportunity.

Because as organisations dig into their CO2 emissions and find untapped opportunities, 技术创新步伐的加快意味着他们可以有效地抓住这些出现的机会.


For proof David told the audience of the Carbon Disclosure Summit to look no further than the falling cost of solar power.

He said: “Almost 50 years ago the cost of one watt generated via solar PV was $100. Skip forward to today and the cost is pretty much free.”

类似的技术进步伴随着成本的指数级下降,在 DNA测序.

So, 大卫鼓励各组织将碳排放报告纳入轨道,并利用未来技术提供的有利可图的机会.

He said: “What’s happening in science, renewable 能源 and AI will only get faster… All the scientific ideas that haven’t yet become trillion dollar opportunities; some of them are going to be… Embrace it and stay optimistic.”


答:峰会期间&A, 与会者明确表示,他们的组织希望抓住带来环境和经济效益的机会, but were often unsure how to do so.

在欢迎致辞中, Mitie首席执行官, 菲尔·宾利, 已披露的研究支持了这一点——许多领导人都感到沮丧,并在努力合理地解释碳排放.

菲尔·宾利, Mitie首席执行官, introducing the Carbon Disclosure Summit, dressed in a white shirt and dark suit
菲尔·宾利, Mitie首席执行官, says that the majority of leaders are frustrated by 环境、社会和治理 reporting requirements



Mitie’s Head of Data and Technology, 凯瑟琳·惠特利, further explored the circumstances faced by many organisations.

Three common themes emerged during her presentation.


Catherine said: “The first challenge is data and efficiency. 碳会计和报告是资源密集型的,在我们开始产生洞察力之前,需要处理来自不同来源和格式的大量数据.

“其次,技能短缺. 我们面临着整体技能和资源短缺,77%的人在这方面挣扎, but also skills gaps in particular areas, especially around data and insight.

“第三, 改变立法, 在我们的调查中,超过一半的人认为立法将在未来三年变得更加严格, they are concerned about how they can keep up.”



The number of organisations required to report carbon emissions is increasing.


There is a confusing reporting landscape to navigate, with different bodies having different expectations.

凯瑟琳说:“在这个世界上,你必须提供所有这些不同的信息来服从不同的机构, 您需要能够有效地使用您的数据,并以不同的方式切割数据以满足不同的报告需求.”

凯瑟琳·惠特利, Mitie's Head of Data and Technology, 在Mitie的碳披露活动上发表演讲——站在碎片大厦窗户旁的木制讲台前, 伦敦
凯瑟琳·惠特利, Mitie’s Head of Data and Technology, discussed the coming challenges of carbon reporting legislation



她说:“第3类排放是由企业无法脱离的价值链造成的. These include suppliers, business travel, 浪费 and employee commuting. 现在, Mitie’s carbon footprint is around 22,000 tonnes for scope 1 and 2, 但300年,000 tonnes for scope 3 – that’s 13 times more. 为了解决这个问题,它意味着与Mitie供应链上成千上万的供应商合作……我们看到立法要求在第3范围内不断增加,这也是最大的机会所在.”

Make sure carbon disclosure is a catalyst for change

此次活动的高潮是宣布了Mitie新的端到端碳报告解决方案, 排放的情报, in partnership with Salesforce.

通过数据收集, together with our in-house decarbonisation expertise, it helps organisations meet regulations, 降低成本, increase efficiency and move towards net zero.

And to further support emissions reduction and reporting, Mitie分享了一个四点计划,排放的情报的客户可以应用它来推进他们的战略:

1. 基线排放量

我们结合使用传感器技术和数据收集专业知识来收集范围1, 2 and 3 emissions data across your entire estate.

2. 帐目及报告

Mitie的解决方案自动化了温室气体的年度和年度会计和报告, 浪费, water circularity and Environmental and Emissions Monitoring System (EEMS). 它生成的报告涵盖了整个供应链的排放,甚至包括对社会和治理绩效的洞察.

3. 跟踪和监控

跟踪和监控您的排放量,并在可定制的仪表板中对您与同行的进展进行基准测试,直至部门级别. And perform what-if analysis on your decarbonisation initiatives.

4. Develop strategies to reduce carbon and optimise performance

Easily visualise net zero transition plans from baseline to current year and target date. 所有的减少计划都可以根据你的战略的任何变化定期更新,以反馈到正在进行的报告中.


在他的结束语中, Mitie’s Director of Plan Zero Consulting, 亚历克斯·阿维拉, emphasised the importance of a strategic but positive approach.

He said: “The time we are in is critical. 这很紧迫,但现在实施一项成功的碳报告战略还为时不晚. It shouldn’t be seen as a burden – it’s an opportunity.”

了解碳报告立法的详细情况,以及它将如何影响您的组织, plus more on Mitie’s new carbon reporting solution, 读 排放的情报: Built for Net Zero.

*Source: Mitie Carbon Reporting Study, January 2024

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