洞察力 2024年5月9日

来看看Mitie 5000辆电动汽车背后的驱动力吧


She’s responsible for a team delivering our electric vehicle (EV) strategy and after recently reaching 5,000辆电动汽车, 车队主管, Audra贾尔斯, 她的目标已经定在6,000.

掌管着英国最成功的公司之一 电动汽车车队转型 has proved to be no mean feat, but Audra puts it all down to two critical factors.

她说:“我们现在有超过65%的电动汽车, which means Mitie has one of the largest EV fleets in the UK and the biggest in terms of vehicle percentage. The organisation’s aggressive target to reach net zero by the end of 2025 has been a catalyst for switching the fleet to electric. 我们的首席执行官, 菲尔·宾利, 承诺在2021年实现脱碳,并提前采用, 加上自上而下的支持, 是至关重要的. Secondly, I am responsible for a team who are fully focused on supporting Mitie’s Plan Zero goals. 他们当之无愧地获得了达到5000辆电动汽车的荣誉. This has been a huge effort from everyone – and now we’re already thinking about the 6,000th vehicle.”


多亏了Audra和她团队的努力, Mitie’s company car fleet statistics are also impressive; 93% of vehicles driven by colleagues who qualify for a company car are electric. 随着越来越多的人做出改变,这一数字正逐渐接近100%.

Audra相信从企业和司机那里获得支持, as well as continuing to support them when they get their new vehicle, 很重要 任何电动汽车策略.

She said: “It’s a cultural change and it needs to be facilitated correctly. I went electric myself 18 months ago and it’s a very different way of driving, with different considerations that can take a bit of getting used to. 这就是驱动程序支持如此重要的原因. Mitie提供旁听课程, test drives and training to tackle any concerns some people might have about moving to EV. We certainly don’t just hand over a vehicle and consider the job done. 我们在教育和支持方面投入了大量精力. 我们还在同事家中安装了2000多个充电点. Having an EV charger at hand makes recharging away from work as convenient as possible.”

EV silver van with Mitie branding in the foreground, with Edinburgh Castle in the background
Mitie’s electric vehicles can be found as far afield as Edinburgh Castle and Gibraltar


到达5号,000th EV hasn’t always been an easy ride and Audra admits to challenges along the way.

One of the most significant hurdles has been convincing drivers that they’ll be able to reach respectable distances on a fully charged battery.

Audra said: “In the early stages of the transition we were using a commercial vehicle that did around 150 miles on a full charge. There was a lot of negative feedback as it wasn’t convenient for many of the drivers. We took that on board and have added the Volkswagen ID Buzz into our fleet, 哪款车的经济行驶里程可达300英里. 作为远程飞行器, 事实证明,Buzz适用于清洁部门的同事, 景观, 移动工程等. 每个人都喜欢开它. The company policy around EV provision is more or less non-negotiable. It’s very gratifying when an EV sceptic – and there are a few – turns into an advocate after getting used to their new vehicle. 在尝试EV之前,你不能批评它.”


Mitie’s electric vehicles can be found in the farthest reaches of the UK. 它们在爱丁堡城堡使用, on the Isle of Wight and Isle of Arran – and even in sunny Gibraltar on the south coast of Spain.

我们的专业知识也在帮助客户, 我们现在有26个合同是全电动的, 包括一家跨国服装连锁店, 一个受欢迎的饮料品牌和一个受人尊敬的专业澳博官方网站公司. 除了推出 电动汽车解决方案和电动汽车车队, we also install and maintain our customers’ EV infrastructure and support their EV infrastructure strategy.

电动汽车的用途非常广泛. Among the most unique is the UK’s first zero emission commercial gritter, aptly named 铺砂机浙 多亏了米蒂的比赛. Mitie景观团队也有一个特别引人注目的EV, with solar panels on the roof to charge battery operated gardening tools.


达到5,000 EVs has been quite a journey for Mitie’s Fleet team and of course the transition of our electric vehicle fleet is far from over.

回顾舰队自2021年以来的成就, Audra confirms there have been numerous highlights that make all the hard work worthwhile.

她说:“我们赢得了9个备受尊敬的奖项 行业奖项这真是太棒了. The most recent was ‘Fleet 运输 Management Project of the Year’ at the 2024 Edie 奖. We’ve also been named ‘Fleet of the Year’ at the Fleet 新闻 奖 three years in a row. It’s satisfying to know Fleet plays an integral part in delivering Mitie’s commitment to reach net zero by 2025. 这是一个团队的努力,包括整个企业的同事, but I’m very proud of the part we’re playing in something so visible and worthwhile.”


